At the heart of Findlay Automotive Group lies a rich family legacy. Founded by Pete Findlay, a who served our country in World War II as a fighter pilot, our story began modestly with a gas station in the small town of Panaca, Nevada. Following his return from the war, Pete ventured into the automotive industry, starting with a simple used car lot in Las Vegas. In 1961, he established Pete Findlay Oldsmobile, back when the Las Vegas Valley boasted a population of less than 70,000.
Today, with the valley busy with over 2 million residents, our growth has mirrored the Vegas’ expansion. Spanning across five western states, our network comprises 33 dealerships. Yet, amidst this evolution, we remain true to our roots as a family-owned company. Pete's son, Cliff, now serves as CEO, while his grandsons—Justin, Robby, and Nathan—lead operations across various locations.
Our success is a testament to diligent work, astute leadership, and, above all, the nurturing of enduring relationships. At our core is a commitment to brightening each day for all we encounter. We prioritize cultivating lasting connections with three key groups: our dedicated employees, our valued customers, and the vibrant communities we serve.