About Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care

Building a Legacy

When joining Seasons Medical Group (SMG) and Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care (SHPC), you are joining a team of employees who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of their patients. Our family of employees live the Seasons mission of Honoring Life ~ Offering Hope, working tirelessly to ensure each patient facing a life-limiting illness finds comfort and peace.


Partners With Our Community

At Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care, we strive to be much more than a business. We are partners with our community and as an employee, you will get a chance to give back as well. Here are some ways that we lend our neighbors a helping hand.

Bi-Annual Neighborhood Cleanup Days
Since 2005, employees have provided a neighborhood cleanup service bi-annually. This voluntary service has lead to the removal of more than 2 tons trash and rubbish from our community.

Seasons 5k for Breast Cancer
Our employees have raised more than two-hundred thousand dollars for breast cancer awareness and prevention programs since 2014.

Recycling Program
Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care prides itself for its green initiatives. Our extensive recycling programming beats industry standards. We also serve as a recycling drop off center for our community.

16 hours of Volunteer Time-off for employees
Seasons Hospice encourages our employees to give back. We allow up to two days off per year to volunteer for an organization of our employee's choosing.