About Traditions Home Health Services & Our Culture

Our Team

Who We Are, Who You Are

Our Caregivers Are "Joy Ambassadors"

Our business is only as good as our caregivers. We seek highly-experienced HHA, CNA, RN, LPN certified caregivers to provide the best home care – health and safety first. Then we train them how to connect with our clients – to actively listen, observe, seek-out and uncover those simple pleasures that motivate, give purpose and bring joy. Our caregivers become our “joy ambassadors”.

How We Do It

The Traditions’ mission is to bring a new approach to home health care by teaching caregivers to actively observe and listen for clues to find what simple pleasures will bring greater joy and happiness into our clients’ lives every day.

When our clients can’t get out into the world to experience it, we do our best to bring the world to them – and we make it part of their care plan. Clients often become more responsive and engaged, finding a new lease on life in their later years.

The ripple effect can make a significant impact on your life, too. When your loved one is happier, and you know they’re safe, it takes pressure and stress off of you, allowing you to spend more quality time with your loved one.

Our Passion

Traditions blends warm, compassionate home health care with state-of-the-art technology to deliver the best quality care possible that’s also accessible and transparent to everyone involved -- both family members and our team.

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The Joy Approach

Our Leadership

Because Traditions is an independently owned and operated company, it gives us the freedom to listen to you and your loved one and think out-of-the-box to provide the best, unique home care solutions for you – without restrictions. We are able to provide traditional non-medical companion services and medical and health care services through our private nursing care. Using our unique Joy Approach we take it a step further to provide our unique specialty “joy” services.

Why Joy? The Research is Clear.

Traditions was founded on the belief that each person deserves purpose and joy, no matter what their age or life stage. A wealth of research across the globe has uncovered the growing evidence that increased joy and happiness lead to better health outcomes.

The findings are clear – increased joy is better for your health!

Learn more about this approach by clicking here!