Our Team

Life at Edge

Spend your summer with Edge Logistics! Our 12-week mentorship and training program will provide you with the right skills to be successful in the logistics industry. Our team is expertly trained by reps who have been in your shoes and know exactly what it takes to set you up for success.

Summer Interns

Catch us at a school near you! Our Recruiting team is headed to your campus! Check out the list below:

Career Fairs


Interested in learning more about our Summer Internship? Contact us directly at careers@edgelogistics.com or reach out to our Recruiter, Madi Phin https://www.linkedin.com/in/madi-phin-266331149/


Interested in collaborating or our volunteering opportunities? Please reach out directly to Maria Callegari at mcallegari@edgelogistics.com.

Current Openings

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